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A minute of dance or...OOF!!! Saddler's Wells London | Lilian Baylis Studio

23rd of October 2016

London |Saddler's Wells,  7.00 pm

"The mounting of a choreographic piece is almost finished.
All it missed is one minute of dance, before the final part.
The choreograph will reinvent this minute of dance at every show, in the presence of the audience. The protagonists, the composer of the music and the couple of dancers will have to rise up to the challenge, adapt to the "state of emergency" and fantasy in the moment, having to memorize both the choreographic and the musical part, both of them invented on the spot, to integrate and interpret, to the best of their ability. So we can present it immediately to the audience in its final form.
With every show, the choreographer and the composer will have to put their feet in cold water so that they are able to produce every time, in the presence of the audience, something completely different.
The music belongs to the "orchestra man" Paul Ilea (SENSOR / KULT STUDIO) whom the choreographer asked to start from the themes of his very famous and popular colleague in music and playfulness: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But also to develop it in his own way with "loving irreverence".
The whole concept of the show revolves around the complicated and often "mad" creating process necessary to obtain even one single minute of dance.
Because of this every night improvisation, in order to create one minute of dance, the shows will become very different one from the other.
A re-creation in every night, for the audience... The torment of creation for the artists! OOF!!!"
Gigi Căciuleanu


Gigi Caciuleanu

Dancer, Coreographer, Writer, Professor


After graduating from The Choreography School of Bucharest, he participates at an internship training at Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Along with the academic dances, which he has been studying as official disciplines, he discovers and performs the avant-garde dance of Miriam Răducanu. The shows „Nocturn 9 ½ˮ are still present in the memory of the public. As soloist of the Bucharest National Opera, he performs roles from the academic repertoire, but also becomes the leading dancer of some ballets especially created for him.
In 1973 he is hired in Germany as a guest teacher and choreographer at Folkwang Ballet, whose director was Pina Bausch, and after a short time he also received an invitation to teach his own contemporary technique at the International Dance Centre «Rosela Haightower» in Cannes. In 1974 he decides to remain in France as a director of the Ballet «Grand Théâtre de Nancy».
In 1978 he becomes the founding member and the director of The National Choreography Center in Rennes / France, a position he will keep for 15 years along with his artistic collaborator, the actor, director and stage designer, Dan Mastacan. In 1993 he creates – in partnership with Dan Mastacan - the «Gigi Caciuleanu Company » in Paris. Between 2001 and December 2012 he works as choreographer and artistic director of The Chilean National Ballet in Santiago. His new "Gigi Caciuleanu Romanian Dance Company" is a crew along with whom Gigi has been dancing all around the country and even in Paris, Bruxelles, London, Lisbon… ever since the company saw the lights of the stage in 2007, in Bucharest, produced by Art Production Foundation.
With a record of over 300 choreographies, he continues his carrier as guest and brings life to trainings and academies all over the world. In 2012, he becomes Honoris Causa Professor at The Arts Academy from Tg. Mureș / Romania.
As an author:
His Choreo-Sofy essay, "Wind, Volumes, Vectors", was published in 2002 by the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile, and in Romania at the publishing company „Curtea Vecheˮ and translated in French and Italian
His texts and poems are weekly published since 2008 in the on-line magazine

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